User:Lordmatt/Lab Notes

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The Laboratory building has a lot of variety some of which is quite tricky.

There is a lab experiment for each element type.


  • Difficulty: Easy

Buy a bunch of heaters, insulators, and a ticker. It gets hot. You unlock stuff. When it maxes out prestige and go again.


  • Difficulty: Easy

Buy batteries, and upgrade the coil count. Upgrading coils is possible but does not seem necessary.

When it maxes out, prestege and restart.


  • Difficulty: Somewhat Easy

You are trying to inflate a thing. When full, you can reset ("expand") for a bigger thing. Spend your resources of the stuff that increases the growth rate.

TBH, I'm surprised this one is not air.


  • Difficulty: Somewhat Easy

It is not immediately obvious what to do here. A check on the red flag achievements section may clue you into the fact that you are trying to make bodies of water as cold as possible.

Charge the battery; put some water in the thing; cool the water.

Legendary Module.png Tip: The upgrades get expensive rising at an order of magnitude for each upgrade. Choose wisely.


  • Difficulty: Impossible(?)
Difficulty icon.png I haven't got a clue right now. Please use my talk/discussion page if you have any insights.


  • Difficulty: Hard

I'm sure I just need to spend more time messing about with this one but so far... IDK.

Difficulty icon.png I haven't got a clue right now. Please use my talk/discussion page if you have any insights.


Plant types listed above from left to right
  • Difficulty: Somewhat Easy

Buy seeds. Plant them. They grow into things.

Just mess about with day/night hot/normal/cold and companion planting. You'll unlock stuff in no time.

The clues for the different types of plants are fairly helpful. This page has an entire cheat sheet.

Legendary Module.png Tip: Plant lots of the cheapest seeds and use autoreplant to get lots of the tree-thing resources for upgrades.
Legendary Module.png Tip: Early on, a worker to dot he watering is also a good idea.