Experiment: Exotic

From The Perfect Tower II
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The Exotic Experiment
Exotic gem.png

The Exotic experiment is one of 12 experiments in the laboratory, available at laboratory tier 6.

The goal of the exotic experiment is to create donuts. This is done by sacrificing different items with properties. These items are purchased using essence, which you can begin creation of after making your first fabric of reality, which requires ∞ universes. When a fabric is created, all values are reset to their initial values, although purchased upgrades remain.



The goal of this section is to create infinite (100 UCe / 1e308) universes. After infinite universes is reached, a fabric of reality is created and the universe counter is reset back to 0.

Stat Modifiers

There are 4 different progress bars which fill up, each having their own unique role:

  • Time factor: (Left) Reduces all modifier bar times by the time factor (BaseTime / TimeFactor). The time factor equals 1 + bar_fills * increment, where the increment starts at +0.01. (This means when the boost increases the increment, the time modifier jumps up.)
  • Production: (Right) Increases how many universes the universe modifier produces. Production = 1 + bar_fills * increment, where the increment starts at +0.01. (This means when the boost multiplies the increment, the production jumps up.)
  • Universe: (Top middle) Bar fills create universes.
  • Boost: (Bottom middle) Bar fills boost time factor increment additively by +0.001, and boosts production increment multiplicatively by *1.05


Each modifier bar can be upgraded to reduce the base time for the bar to fill up. Each upgrade reduces base time by 20%, or rather multiplies the base time by 0.8. These are the stats for the modifier times:

  • Time factor: Base time [60 hours] Cost = (level * 3) + 1
  • Production: Base time [25 hours] Cost = level + 1
  • Universe: Base time [100 hours] Cost = level + 2
  • Boost: Base time [50 hours] Cost = (level * 5) + 6

Reality Juicer

After creating a fabric of reality, the player can begin creating essences of existences. It costs 1 fabric of reality to begin creating essences. Essence production works by having the bar start at one, and increase by a multiplier every second. Once this bar reaches infinity, the bar will create essence(s).


  • Starts the productions of existence essence. Cost = 1, Max = 1
  • +0.001 to multiplier basis. Cost = 2lvl+1, Max = 50
  • +1 fabric of reality on completion Cost = 3lvl, Max = 49
  • Unspent fabrics boost multiplier Cost = 5*4lvl, Max = 40
  • Highest essence count boosts multiplier Cost = 10000*5lvl, Max = 30
  • Essence on completion x2 Cost = 12500*3.3lvl, Max = 50

Multiverse & Celestial Donuts

After you create your first essence of existence, you will unlock the multiverse & celestial donuts.

The multiverse is an extremely large grid map based on a fractal. Each square of the grid costs a certain number of essence to access, and will then provide a constant income of a given resource. The resources generated from the multiverse are not those used in the main game; they are procedurally named and arbitrary and only useful for Celestial Donuts.

The multiverse is restricted by two limits: storage and dimensions. Dimensions is the number of grid squares that can be providing resources at one time. Storage is the number of different resources that can be stored at a time (although the amount of each resource that can be stored is unlimited). At any time, you can "unlink" a square to stop receiving resources from it and free up the dimension slot. Doing so does not refund the essence spent to link the square.


Dimensions are what produce Items, and can be harvested by linking to them. Currently the best dimensions for each property are at the following coordinates-

  • Artificial: -2852|7266
  • Complex: -18758|45577
  • Cool: -37146|-49937
  • Creepy: 39777|-38091
  • Exotic: 22388|-52614
  • Fluffy: 7015|36735
  • Hard: -55247|-28265
  • Herbal: -39067|-59231
  • Organic: 44873|10109
  • Metallic: -37025|40746
  • Rusty: 39138|-50346
  • Slimy: 23686|58635
  • Smelly: 59177|-48843
  • Spicy: 14266|1192
  • Spiky: 22986|25262
  • Strange: 665|-50434
  • Sturdy: 18160|-24588
  • Sweet: 25259|-59799
  • Unstable: -5720|-46513
  • Volatile: -55121|-11164
  • Wet: 17012|-16143

Items & Properties

Items are produced by your linked dimensions, which can have different amount of properties attributed to them. Celestial Donuts can like, dislike, or feel mixed about(if it has both liked and disliked properties) an item. The possible Properties are as follows:

  • Artificial
  • Complex
  • Cool
  • Creepy
  • Exotic
  • Fluffy
  • Hard
  • Herbal
  • Organic
  • Metallic
  • Rusty
  • Slimy
  • Smelly
  • Spicy
  • Spiky
  • Strange
  • Sturdy
  • Sweet
  • Unstable
  • Volatile
  • Wet

Celestial Donuts

On the Celestial Donuts page, you can offer your resources to gain rewards. The terminology here is rather confusing: the creatures to which you make offers are "Celestial Donuts", and the rewards you get are "Donuts" (but not Celestial) which can be Chocolate or Strawberry. Chocolate and Strawberry donuts provide boosts to all damage and resistance respectively via the milestones page of the experiment, and the total number of donuts provides a similar boost to production of Exotic Gems.

The center of the screen will display a randomly generated Celestial Donut and indications of which resource properties it likes. Each resource obtained from the multiverse provides a random combination of these properties. Clicking on a resource name in the window at the bottom of the screen will give the resource to the Celestial Donut, which will cause the Favor bar to increase. Giving a resource with properties it likes will increase the positive favor bar, and giving a resource with properties it dislikes will increase the negative favor bar. Giving a resource with properties that are neither liked nor disliked will have no effect on the favor bar and will effectively waste the resource.

If the negative favor bar reaches maximum, the Celestial Donut will leave with no reward, and a new one will be generated. If the positive favor bar reaches maximum and the negative one does not, the Celestial Donut will leave and you will be given the reward listed in the right hand window.

Prestige Upgrades

  • Increase the maximum storage room for dimensional items by 10 stacks (x9)
  • Multiply the starting value of the Reality Juicer by 1000 (x30)
  • Increase the amount of parallel dimension links by 2 (x9)
  • Multiply the hard limit of fabric of reality rewards from celestial donuts by 10 (x25)
  • Multiply the hard limit of essence of existence rewards from celestial donuts by 10 (x25)
  • Highlight items which provide only positive favor in green, items that only provide negative favor in red and items that provide both in yellow inside the donut gifting screen (x1)
  • Display the exact positive and negative favor values in the favor bar below the celestial donut (x1)

The "highlight items.." upgrades also allows the "celestial donut" worker to select which items to offer based on the favor result. Without it, they will select randomly.

Beware that items that "provide both" may not provide both in equal measure, especially since the negative bar tends to be shorter than the positive one. Offering a yellow shaded item may marginally increase the green bar while increasing the red bar to maximum and causing the Celestial Donut to leave, which means it has no benefit over a red shaded item.


Requirement Reward
1 Fabric of Reality Ultimate Module Generic Resistance
1000 Fabrics of Reality Ultimate Module Division Shield
10549 Strawberry Donuts +X% Generic Damage
10369 Chocolate Donuts +99% Generic Resistance
3003 Donuts +1000% Shipyard: Exotic Gem Rewards
10x+3 Fabrics of Reality 1.05x mult to Generic Damage Reward
10x+3 Essences of Existence 1.05x mult to Generic Damage Reward