- Fire Sword Studios discord: Sabotoyen [Moderator] (I usually have random text and symbols around the name)
- Kongregate: Jeremyx
- Gender: Tree
- Age: 18+
- Run distance: 1/3 mile nonstop, 1 mile with stops
- Strength category: Below average
- Jutsu: Katana rain storm
On the discord server, I check posts to make sure they are mostly following the rules based on the channel, I sometimes engage in the community, I also like to flex my epic 1337 stats on people to make my pathetic life seem worth while, and I may occasionally help people out.
For the perfect tower 1 and 2, I have helped people by making guides, more like manual, and explaining how the game works or theorizing strategies with people.
For TPT1 I have abused glitches and stuff to get to the top, as that's how it's done BAYBEY! No hacks though, that's doodoo as glitches at least require some amount of intelligence and strategy.
In The Perfect Tower 2, I have alpha play tested to look for bugs and glitches to share to the developers to help make sure the game is stable, which is weird since I played TPT1 by abusing the glitches. Weird, right? I have also whined a lot about features I disliked to try and force the game to suit my tastes, although others have countered my tastes so it seems like I won't get what I want all the time, alpha numeric!
- Manual of The Perfect Tower 1: This forum post is essentially a manual, explaining all of the game mechanics of the first game that I was able to figure out. I have worked on it over several years, learning more and more ways to improve the thing, such as adding images and ascii art.
- Manual extra information on blueprint tiers: I have no idea why I decided to separate the blueprint tiers section but I did and there it is.
- Creating maps in various games not related to Fire Sword Studios.
- Getting the most basic college degree.
- Learning how to code, and then making AHK scripts to farm games.
- Recording and editing videos for my youtube channel.
- Learning how to set up a virtual soundboard.
Guardian, protector, and tamer of Talina the bunny plushy goddess
Talina is a cute little bunny plushy that I love a lot. I am the only one that can tame her.
- Pictures of Talina the cute bunny plushy goddess