Power Plant

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Power Plant
Max. Tier 6
Conversion rate 800:1
Color theme Yellow
Yellow resource.png

The Power Plant is a building used to generate electricity to give speed boosts to other buildings.

Power plant example

Power Grid

The power grid is where you place structures in order to generate and store energy.

You can place structures by selecting one from the list on the left of the screen, and then clicking an empty tile.

To delete a structure, right-click the filled tile while not having any structure selected from the list. Doing so will refund you 25% of the resource you spent buying the component. This can be increased to 50% if you have Component Recycling Skill.

Structures can connect with each other without the use of pipes, but pipes can be used to use resources more efficiently at times.


This is where you spend your energy to speed up other buildings:

  • Construction Firm: Reduces construction time for buildings.
  • Factory: Speeds up shard refining, store reload, machine speed, and fabricator speed.
  • Mine: Speeds up the drill, asteroid mining time, and asteroid scanning time.
  • Headquarters: Speeds up download of software and how fast contracts run out.
  • Shipyard: Speeds up shipments.
  • Museum: speeds up artifact research time and offshore market refresh time.
  • Arcade: On its own, it only speeds up the cooldown timer of "Refresh Wheel." To effectively boost the arcade you need to have something else (located in the spoiler below), which reduces the time between delays (such as time between stopping jumble rows) and increases the speed of the lucky wheel.
  • Trading Post: reduces the time between perk refreshes and the timer to reset trades

The more energy you use, the longer and stronger the boost is.

You can boost multiple buildings at the same time, but if they are boosted at exactly the same time then they have to split the energy for the boost, and so the boosts will be weaker. If you are using workers to restart boosts this isn't a problem in practice, because the periods of each building are different, and so each building will end up boosted at a unique time.


Boosting applies a percentage of the total available energy (10%, 25%, 50% or 100% depending on your selection) towards boosting. If there are multiple buildings being boosted simultaneously, the energy is split between them. (This splitting will not be shown in the preview numbers before you boost, but it will be apparent afterwards.) Call this energy being allocated to boosting a building BoostEnergy.

Then BoostEnergy is divided between time and effectiveness based on the position of the slider. For effectiveness, the slider runs from 1% to 100% of BoostEnergy, and for time the slider runs from 100% to 1%. This does mean that the overall energy sums to 101%! Call the amount after the the slider PostSlider.

For both time and effectiveness, PostSlider is used as follows: Result = log(PostSlider) * Perks * BaseValue. When displayed, Result is rounded for effectiveness, but truncated for time. The base for the log is 10 normally, or 7 with the Super Boost skill. Perks include Town Perks, as well as the 1.25 multiplier from Max Power if at full power (only applies to effectiveness). The table of BaseValues is:

Building Time Effectiveness
Construction Firm 4:00 20%
Factory 3:00 15%
Mine 3:20 18%
Headquarters 2:00 22%
Shipyard 5:00 10%
Museum 3:00 15%
Workshop 3:40 21%
Arcade 5:00 0.5%
Trading Post 3:00 15%


These are your structures for use in the power grid.

You can unlock more by upgrading the Power Plant in the Construction Firm.

You can upgrade structures if they are upgradeable. All costs are rounded to the nearest resource. The power plant runs at 10 ticks/sec.


Water Pump

Provides infinite water.

Cost: 25 * 1.5qty

Basic setup for tier 1.

Fluid Pipe

Transports 1000L of gas or fluid per tick.

Cost: 5 * 1.5qty

Currently used to move water from a water pump to a coal boiler, and to move steam from a coal boiler to a steam turbine.

The pipe is gray when empty, blue when filled with water, and white when filled with steam.


Pipe Throughput (9 levels): +1000 to pipe input, output and storage (add.)

Yellow Battery

Adds +2000 power capacity.

Cost: 50 * 1.5qty

Can be placed anywhere, and is not needed to be connected to anything.


Capacity (15 levels): +50% battery capacity

Deep link (5 levels): +1% total power capacity per Yellow battery (add.)

Note that the Total Capacity bonus applies to all batteries, as well as the base 1000 power! I.e. if you have fully upgraded Yellow Batteries and have 10 of them, they're providing +50% to all capacities.

Tier 1

Coal Chest

Provides 2500kg of coal.

Cost: 40 * 1.5qty

Needs to be placed next to a coal boiler.

Has to be replaced periodically, as it will run out of coal.


Storage (30 levels) +25% Coal (mul.) (Cost: 25000 * 3lvl)

Coal Boiler

Turns 100L of water, and 4 kg of coal into 30L of steam.

Cost: 150 * 1.5qty

Needs to be connected to a water pump and a coal chest to function.


Denser coal (9 levels): +30L steam/tick, +4kg coal useage/tick and +100L water useage/tick

Steam Turbine

Transforms 10L of steam into 30 power per tick.

Cost: 60 * 1.5qty

Needs to be connected to an active coal boiler to generate energy.


Condensed turbines (6 levels): +100% power production (mult.) and steam useage/tick (Cost: 5000 × 3lvl)

Two-flow rotors (6 levels): -1 base steam useage/tick (Cost: 10,000,000 × 16lvl)

Tier 2

Oil Barrel

Provides 10000L of oil

Cost: 1000 * 1.5qty

Can be placed anywhere, as long as a fluid pipe connects it to an oil furnace.


Storage (30 levels): +20% Oil (mul.) (Cost: 100000 * 3lvl)

Oil Furnace

Turns 20L of oil and 200L of water into 100L of steam.

Cost: 17500 * 1.5qty


Bigger heat chambers (9 levels): +100L steam/tick, +20L oil usage and +200L water useage/tick

Gas Tank

provides 20000L of gas.

Cost: 2000 * 1.5qty

can be placed anywhere, as long as fluid pipes connect it to a gas turbine.


Storage (30 levels): +20% Gas (mul.) (Cost: 125000 * 3lvl)

Gas Turbine

Turns 25L of gas into 100 power per tick.

Cost: 5000 * 1.5qty


Early ignition (5 levels): +100% power production and gas requirement

Optimized pipes (2 levels): +1% power production (mul.) for gas turbines per regular pipe on the grid regardless if it's in use

Tier 3

Water Turbine

Uses 20L of water to provide 3 power per tick.

Cost: 20000 * 1.5qty

Can be connected with pipes or directly to a Water Pump


Streamlined turbines (9 levels): +100% power production (mul.) and +20L water useage

Solar Panel

Produces 1 power per tick (0 when raining).

Cost: 10000 * 1.5qty


Double sized panels (10 levels): +100% power production

Aqua panels (5 levels): 2% × lvl of power production well continue during rain

Wind Turbine

Produces 0~4 power per tick (min. of 0 without wind and max of 4 when there is a hurricane).

Cost: 12500 * 1.5qty


Extra long blades (10 levels): +100% power production

Titanium rotors: 8x power generation during hurricanes

Red Battery

Gives +25000 to power capacity.

Cost: 2000 * 1.5qty


Capacity (4 levels): +100% power capacity

Deep link (3 levels): +1% power capacity per component that processes resources and/or produces power times the number of red batteries (add.)

Tier 4

Lava Pump

Provides 10M L of lava.

Cost: 25000 * 1.5qty

Lava can be moved with a fluid pipe.


Storage (30 levels): +15% Lava (mul.) (Cost: 1500000 * 3lvl)

Thermal Generator

Turns 100L of lava and 100L of water into 200 power per tick.

Cost: 50000 * 1.5qty

Can be connected with a pipe or directly to a lava pump.


Turbine overheating (4 levels): +100% power production (mul.), +100L water and lava useage/tick

Tier 5

Fission Reactor

Transforms 1Kg of Uranium and 100L of water into 200L of steam.

Cost: 100000 * 1.5qty

Uranium Box

Provides 50000Kg of Uranium.

Cost: 75000 * 1.5qty


Storage (30 levels): +10% Uranium (mul.) (Cost: 5000000 * 3lvl)

Blue Battery

Gives +500000 to power capacity.

Cost: 50000 * 1.5qty


Deep link (4 levels): +1% total power capacity per component on the grid that emits resources (imcluding storage) times the number of blue batteries (add.)

Tier 6

Fusion Reactor

Transforms 250L of He3 into 500L of Plasma

Cost: 1750000 * 1.5qty


Cold Fusion (9 levels): +500L Plasma Production (add.), +250L Helium Requirement (add.) (Cost: 1e14 * 100lvl)

Helium3 Tank

Provides 100000L of He3

Cost: 500000 * 1.5qty


Storage (30 levels): +8% Gas (mul.) (Cost: 25000000 * 3lvl)

Plasma Pipe

Transport 1000L of Plasma per tick

Cost: 100000 * 1.5qty


Plasma Throughput (9 levels): +1000 Plasma input/output/storage (add.) (Cost: 1e15 * 1000lvl)

Plasma Turbine

Transform 100L of Plasma into 5000 power per tick

Cost: 500000 * 1.5qty


Plasma Synergy (3 levels): +2% [plasma] Power Production (mul.) for every component on the grid that is not a plasma turbine regardless if it's in use, +300L Plasma Requirement (add.) (Cost: 1e16 * 1e8lvl)
(Note: The +2% bonus is *additive* with increasing levels, i.e. at 3/3 levels it is a 1.06 multiplicative bonus.)

Water Synergy (5 levels): +18% Plasma Turbine Power Production (add./mul.) for every water turbine on the grid regardless if it's in use, +80% Water Turbine Power Production (add.) for every plasma turbine on the grid regardless if it's in use (Cost: 1e18 * 1e6lvl)
(Note: The +18% bonus is additive with increasing levels, and also additive with number of components. I.e. at 5/5 levels it is a +90% bonus per water turbine. This applies independently/in addition to Plasma Synergy.)

Solar Synergy (5 levels): +10% Plasma Turbine Power Production (add./mul.) for every solar panel on the grid regardless if it's in use, +50% Solar Panel Power Production (add.) for every plasma turbine on the grid regardless if it's in use (Cost: 1e18 * 1e6lvl)
(Note: The +10% bonus is additive with increasing levels, and also additive with number of components. I.e. at 5/5 levels it is a +50% bonus per solar panel. This applies independently/in addition to Plasma Synergy.)

Wind Synergy (5 levels): +10% Plasma Turbine Power Production (add./mul.) for every wind turbine on the grid regardless if it's in use, +50% Wind Turbine Power Production (add.) for every plasma turbine on the grid regardless if it's in use (Cost: 1e18 * 1e6lvl)
(Note: The +10% bonus is additive with increasing levels, and also additive with number of components. I.e. at 5/5 levels it is a +50% bonus per water turbine. This applies independently/in addition to Plasma Synergy.)

Floor 2

Dyson Node

Provides aura and +X Power / Tick (depends on dyson power)

Cost: 1e12 * 1.5qty

Dyson nodes cannot be placed in the 8 squares next to another node. Available as soon as Floor 2 is unlocked, regardless of Power Plant level.

Power amount is dyson_power0.25. This maxes at 1189.2071 power per tick.


See also: Skills (Upgrade)
  • Quantum Grid - Allows components on the power grid to connect to components on the opposite edge of the grid.
  • Super Boost - Using more power for boosts has a higher impact on duration/effectivity. (Log10 -> Log7)
  • Max. Power - Increases the effectiveness of all active boosts by 25% (multiplicative) if the current amount of power exceeds the maximum amount.
  • Efficient Recycling - Lowers the base conversion rate from town resources to power plant resources to 600.
  • Shutdown - Allows you to cancel boosts anytime. Does not refund any power!
  • Yellowprints - Unlocks the ability to store up to 3 different layouts of the power plant as well as the functionality to import, export and apply them at any time. Additionally adds the an option to sell the entire grid.

Exotic Skills

See also: Exotic Skills
  • Hibernation Mode (50 Exotic gem.png) - Boosts stop losing their duration while the game is closed but still affect all buildings during that time as many they would normally do.

Tips and Tricks

Recommended Setups

  • Starter Power Plant Setup [1]
    Cost 182,300 Yellow resource
    Requirements Fully upgraded components via Technology tab.
    Power Capacity 3.023 M (3.023e6)
    Average Power Production 132,600/sec
    Import Code
    Preview Powerplant Setup Early.png
  • Mid-game Power Plant Setup [2]
    • Recommended
      Cost 4 Sp (4e24) Yellow resource
      Requirements Power Plant Floor 2. 2 levels of each plasma turbine upgrade in Technology tab.
      Power Capacity 69.35 B (6.935e10)
      Average Power Production ???
      Import Code
      Preview Powerplant Setup Mid Main.png
    • Cheaper
      Cost 3 Qi (3e18) Yellow resource
      Requirements Power Plant Floor 2. 1 of each plasma turbine upgrade in Technology tab.
      Power Capacity 2.32 T (2.32e12)
      Average Power Production ???
      Import Code
      Preview Powerplant Setup Mid Cheaper.png
    • No-Dyson
      Cost 4 Sp (4e24) Yellow resource
      Requirements 2 levels of each plasma turbine upgrade in Technology tab.
      Power Capacity 1.873 T (1.873e12)
      Average Power Production ???
      Import Code
      Preview Powerplant Setup Mid No-Dyson.png
  • Late-game Power Plant Setup [3]
    Cost 3 QiD (3e48) Yellow resource
    Requirements Electricity Infinity Perk enabled. Power Plant Floor 2. Fully upgraded components via Technology tab.
    Power Capacity 3.046 Qi (3.046e18)
    Average Power Production 2.266 Qa/sec (2.266e15/sec)
    Import Code
    Preview Powerplant Setup Late Infinity Perk.png


  1. Discord: Early Power Plant Setup
  2. Discord: Power plant guide v5
  3. Discord: MT15 Power Plant (Post Electric Stone)